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Due to COVID-19, Restrictions of Social Distancing are in Place. A hand Washing Station is available. Please respect our vendors and your safety by following the States Guidelines on Social Distancing. 

To help you understand our guidelines due to COVID-19. please review the article below from Purdue Extension.

Wednesday June 30th - Sept 1st 3:00-6:00 

Mid-week Market

Who wishes they had fresh produce in the middle of the week? Your wish came true! We are now offering our market mid week at the same location! We'll have on average 10 of our vendors available to you mid-week so you can get your farmers market fix!

How do you plant a Garden? 

Choose the right location. Choose a location for the garden that has plenty of sun, ample space and close proximity to your hose or water source. ...

Select your veggies. ...

Prepare the soil. ...

Check planting dates. ...

Plant the seeds. ...

Add water. ...

Keep the weeds out. ...

Give your plants room to grow!

** If not successful, the farmers market has it all! Visit us Weekly!

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